Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reflective Essay FINAL

8. How do I like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way I write, the way I think, or the way I think about writing?
10. Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?

Since the beginning of the year, I have been blogging about topics related to English class for a grade. Mr. Sutherland had told us to make a blog and put up writing posts. This has allowed me to write things that i felt interested in instead of writing because I had to. We blogged about the books we read, responses to other classmate's posts and about anything. I enjoyed not having specific assignments and having to do writing assignments that were open to discussion. At first, i did not want to make a blog because i did not know how to and i thought it would be much harder to write and complete assignments. However, instead of being harder, it was much easier to work with, even with the many distractions of the internet.

How do i like having a blog? School wise, i like using the blog as a way to do homework. Otherwise, on my free time, I would like blogging, but not occasionally. I like using blog posts as a way to turn in homework because it is quick and easy. It is much easier to type on a blog than to write everything out. Typing online with all the time I have until midnight allows me to dig deep and find new ideas to write about or respond about. Our usual weekly blog consists of two to three posts: Free post of anything, a response post to a peer, and something else that deals with what we are doing during the week. I like having a blog and knowing where people find and read my blog. I like receiving feedback from others, possibly all over the world. I may not like a blog if i were to do it on our free time because i would not have much to write about if we were not given a specific topic to reflect upon. Blogging changed the way i write because of the feedback i received. One thing I noticed is how to break chunks into paragraphs that only focus on one idea and i have began writing past writer's block. An example of my dividing paragraphs based on their events is, 
“The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.’
            I trembled with fear and then came this one shot. My mom claimed that for the health of the school, they asked for a skin test.”(Link)
In this quote, I decided to start a new paragraph as something else happened. When writer's block blocks me during essays, i keep writing and it acts like a brainstorm to prepare for my next ideas. Blogging changed the way i think because, as it can be viewed all over, i decided that writing should not include an direct negative comments toward anyone to prevent conflicts. Blogging changed the way i write because i when I write either on blog or not, i review my sentences right after i wrote them. Responding to other people's posts after reading them and finding flaws have allowed me to read my work and find flaws in them as i am writing them. For example, when i am writing i can catch things that are not related or strong enough. Blogging has changed the way i think about writing because, i do not think of it as something i am forced to do for a grade. I think of blogging and writing as a way to give feedback and express my opinions on things. After being introduced to the views of my blog, i decided to look at other people's blogs around the world and their opinion on things im interested in. I noticed the blogger had many opinionated words. I see writing as a way to express ideas and promote discussions. Blogging changed my opinion on writing because many bloggers use their blog to talk about modern things, which writing can be used to do. Blogging changed my old idea of boring writing to something that can allow me to show my views.

Every week, we have a response and free post. After reading someone else's post, a question will always strike me, either to ask for more or clarification. While doing my free post however, it takes me time to think of something to write about. I notice others write about their day or things around the world. Sometimes, instead of doing a free post, I write a second response post because I could not think of a good idea that would last 350 words without repetition of ideas. Getting home from school on a Friday, i begin to think about what ideas i could start to write about for my free post. However, the only times i could think of anything to write about, is after reading other people's posts. But, when i read other's posts and write about the same idea, i feel as if it is a response. My ideas for my blog come from other people's posts. I read about what other people write about, which may be important to them, and go into detail on my perspective of that idea. Sometimes i get my ideas from things happening around me and possibly dangers. After reading someone else's blog, i could light a light bulb possibly related to that post or even that exact topic. When i write, the thing inspiring me is the grade and the way to make a point. Sometimes, i just want people to understand my opinion on things by blogging and not getting into arguments. This quote was used by me to show my understanding of why cussing is bad,

“I think these words are ‘bad words’ because people take offense when you say those type of words to them. If you call someone a.... they wouldn't like it.  No one really needs to make fun of people towards their face. Dropping bad words is a bad habit to start and may not possibly end. If you get too adjusted to the words, they just pop out sometimes. Even to the most simple things, a cuss word may leak out because those are your usual ‘describing’ words.” (Link
In here I am responding to a peer who gave reasons for why people swore. I responded to her to show my perspective on why people should not swear. This idea was brought up by Tiffany and i was pushed to write to show her why i thought cussing was bad. This is what inspires me to blog/write, express my opinion on things compared to other’s.

Blogging over this past year of 2011 has allowed me to think differently about writing, instead of just being something students must do. I value writing as a way to show and spread ideas. When i see something that i must respond to, i am inspired to write. For my next year of possible blogging, i hope to improve in just killing writer’s block completely to prevent me from going with any idea in my writing. I will try to do this by brainstorming what i will write before i even start writing, like what we do in class for our blog posts. Till next time, will i start to read more of news and reviews, then i will use it as a reason to write and blog. This will also improve my vocabulary and knowledge of the world.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Reflective Essay

8. How do I like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way I write, the way I think, or the way I think about writing?
10. Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?

Since the beginning of the year, I have been blogging about topics related to English class for a grade. Mr. Sutherland had told us to make a blog and put up writing posts. This has allowed me to write things that i felt interested in instead of writing because I had to. We blogged about the books we read, responses to other classmate's posts and about anything. I enjoyed not having specific assignments and having to do writing assignments that were open to discussion. At first, i did not want to make a blog because i did not know how to and i thought it would be much harder to write and complete assignments. However, instead of being harder, it was much easier to work with, even with the many distractions of the internet.

How do i like having a blog? School wise, i like using the blog as a way to do homework. Otherwise, on my free time, i would like blogging,  but not occasionally. I like using blog posts as a way to turn in homework because it is quick and easy. It is much easier to type on a blog than to write everything out. Typing online with all the time I have until midnight allows me to dig deep and find new ideas to write about or respond about. Our usual weekly blog consists of two to three posts: Free post of anything, a response post to a peer, and something else that deals with what we are doing during the week. I like having a blog and knowing where people find and read my blog. I like receiving feedback from others, possibly all over the world. I may not like a blog if i were to do it on my free time because i would not have much to write about if we were not given a specific topic to write about. Blogging changed the way i write because of the feedback i received. I noticed how to break chunks into paragraphs that only focus on one idea and i have began writing past writer's block. An example of my dividing paragraphs based on their events is, “The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.’
            I trembled with fear and then came this one shot. My mom claimed that for the health of the school, they asked for a skin test.”(Link)
In this quote, I decided to start a new paragraph as something else happened. When writer's block blocks me during essays, i keep writing and it acts like a brainstorm to prepare for my next ideas. Blogging changed the way i think because, as it can be viewed all over, i decided that writing should not include an direct negative comments toward anyone to prevent conflicts. Blogging changed the way i write because i when I write either on blog or not, i review my sentences right after i wrote them. Responding to other people's posts after reading them and finding flaws have allowed me to read my work and find flaws in them as i am writing them. For example, when i am writing i can catch things that are not related or strong enough. Blogging has changed the way i think about writing because, i do not think of it as something i am forced to do for a grade. I think of blogging and writing as a way to give feedback and express my opinions on things. After being introduced to the views of my blog, i decided to look at other people's blogs around the world and their opinion on things im interested in. I noticed the blogger had many opinionated words. I see writing as a way to express ideas and promote discussions. Blogging changed my opinion on writing because many bloggers use their blog to talk about modern things, which writing can be used to do. Blogging changed my old idea of boring writing to something that can allow me to show my views.

Every week, we have a response and free post. After reading someone else's post, a question will always strike me, either to ask for more or clarification. While doing my free post however, it takes me time to think of something to write about. I notice others write about their day or things around the world. Sometimes, instead of doing a free post, I write a second response post because I could not think of a good idea that would last 350 words without repetition of ideas. Getting home from school on a Friday, i begin to think about what ideas i could start to write about for my free post. However, the only times i could think of anything to write about, is after reading other people's posts. But, when i read other's posts and write about the same idea, i feel as if it is a response. My ideas for my blog come from other people's posts. I read about what other people write about, which may be important to them, and go into detail on my perspective of that idea. Sometimes i get my ideas from things happening around me and possibly dangers. After reading someone else's blog, i could light a light bulb possibly related to that post or even that exact topic. When i write, the thing inspiring me is the grade and the way to make a point. Sometimes, i just want people to understand my opinion on things by blogging and not getting into arguments. This quote was used by me to show my understanding of why cussing is bad,
“I think these words are ‘bad words’ because people take offense when you say those type of words to them. If you call someone a.... they wouldn't like it.  No one really needs to make fun of people towards their face. Dropping bad words is a bad habit to start and may not possibly end. If you get too adjusted to the words, they just pop out sometimes. Even to the most simple things, a cuss word may leak out because those are your usual ‘describing’ words.” (Link) In here I am responding to a peer who gave reasons for why people swore. I responded to her to show my perspective on why people should not swear. This idea was brought up by Tiffany and i was pushed to write to show her why i thought cussing was bad. This is what inspires me to blog/write, express my opinion on things compared to other’s.

Blogging over this past year of 2011 has allowed me to think differently about writing, instead of just being something students must do. I value writing as a way to show and spread ideas. When i see something that i must respond to, i am inspired to write. For my next year of possible blogging, i hope to improve in just killing writer’s block completely to prevent me from going with any idea in my writing. I will try to do this by brainstorming what i will write before i even start writing, like what we do in class for our blog posts. Till next time, will i start to read more of news and reviews, then i will use it as a reason to write and blog. This will also improve my vocabulary and knowledge of the world.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reflective Essay DRAFT

 8. How do I like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way I write, the way I think, or the way I
    think about writing?
10. Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?

Since the beginning of the year, I have been blogging about topics related to English class for a grade. Mr. Sutherland had told us to make a blog and put up writing posts. This has allowed me to write things that i felt interested in instead of writing because I had to. We blogged about the books we read, responses to other classmate's posts and about anything. I enjoyed not having specific assignments and having to do writing assignments that were open to discussion. At first, i did not want to make a blog because i did not know how to and i thought it would be much harder to write and complete assignments. However, instead of being harder, it was much easier to work with, even with the many distractions of the internet.

How do i like having a blog? Schoolwise, i like using the blog as a way to do homework. Otherwise, on my freetime, i would like blogging,  but not occassionally. I like using blog posts as a way to turn in homework because it is quick and easy. It is much easier to type on a blog than to write everything out. Typing online with all the time I have until midnight allows me to dig deep and find new ideas to write about or respond about. Our usual weekly blog consists of two to three posts: Free post of anything, a response post to a peer, and something else that deals with what we are doing during the week. I like having a blog and knowing where people find and read my blog. I like recieving feedback from others, possibly all over the world. I may not like a blog if i were to do it on my free time because i would not have much to write about if we were not given a specific topic to write about. Blogging changed the way i write because of the feedback i recieved. I noticed how to break chunks into paragraphs that only focus on one idea and i have began writing past writer's block. When writer's block blocks me during essays, i keep writing and it acts like a brainstorm to prepare for my next ideas. Blogging changed the way i think because, as it can be viewed all over, i decided that writing should not include an direct negative comments toward anyone to prevent conflicts. Blogging changed the way i write because i when I write either on blog or not, i review my sentences right after i wrote them. Responding to other people's posts after reading them and finding flaws have allowed me to read my work and find flaws in them as i am writing them. For example, when i am writing i can catch things that are not related or strong enough. Blogging has changed the way i think about writing because, i do not think of it as something i am forced to do for a grade. I think of blogging and writing as a way to give feedback and express my opinions on things. After beign introduced to the views of my blog, i decided to look at other people's blogs around the world and their opinion on things im interested in. I noticed the bloggers had many opininated words. I see writing as a way to express ideas and promote discussions. Blogging changed my opinion on writing because many bloggers use their blog to talk about modern things, which writing can be used to do. Blogging changed my old idea of boring writing to something that can allow me to show my views.

Every week, we have a response and free post. After reading someone else's post, a question will always strike me, either to ask for more or clarification. While doing my free post however, it takes me time to think of something to write about. I notice others write about their day or things around the world. Sometimes, instead of doing a free post, I write a second response post because I could not think of a good idea that would last 350 words without repitition of ideas. Getting home from school on a friday, i begin to think about what ideas i could start to write about for my free post. However, the only times i could think of anything to write about, is after reading other people's posts. But, when i read other's posts and write about the same idea, i feel as if it is a response. My ideas for my blog come from other people's posts. I read about what other people write about, which may be important to them, and go into detail on my perspective of that idea. Sometimes i get my ideas from things happening around me and possibly dangers. After reading someone else's blog, i could light a light bulb possibly related to that post or even that exact topic. When i write, the thing inspiring me is the grade and the way to make a point.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Basic Book Review 5/4/11

8. Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters. (Brom and Eragon. Eragon's respectable self and pride.)
In the fictional book Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Eragon is the main character, the human, who has found a mysterious stone in the spine and managed to become its rider as it hatches. He had not recognize the value of the stone at first and decides to try to exchange it for meat as he could not hunt a doe down for his family. Eragon was to support his family with meat and would have done anything for it, if it meant trading such a magical stone away. However, at the time, he did not know what power the stone possessed and what link it had with him.
          After Eragon learns about his connection to this rider and how he was the one to unveil the dragon from the egg, he develops connections with his dragon, Saphira. Eragon and Brom's journey for Garrow, Eragon's uncle who died possibly, Saphira's fault, allow them to grow together and learn about each others general past. Eragon's quest to becoming a Rider has allowed him to develop an even stronger respected and honorable characteristic than before. Eragon as he discovered because of Saphira's hatching, is somewhat a Rider. Because dragon stones only hatch when the moment is right, Eragon learned how to cope with his dragon from a skillful man old man, Brom.  
         Ever since Brom wisely discovered Eragon's secret with his stone and questions on dragons, he has been informing Eragon on all types of training to become an experienced rider. Brom believes in Eragon and knows certainly that he is a strong Rider. After a first practice of spar with sticks in the plains, Brom insists Eragon to train again because he wants Eragon to succeed. He understands Eragon's strengths and weaknesses surprisingly quick. The day after a training session Brom says, "I wouldn't push you so hard if i did not think you were strong enough." Eragon replies, "For once, I wouldn't mind being thought less of,' Muttered Eragon." (pg 123) In here, Brom shows how he knows Eragon is a strong man and Brom had not put up a weak fight. He gave Eragon stings, bruises, and many injuries Eragon needed to nurse and heal. Brom knows Eragon well from the time he had spent with him galloping on the plains. Eragon, on the other hand, does not know Brom so well. Brom's relationship with Eragon is strong because they both are Riders. Eragon appreciates Brom's work and for once, does not mind Brom pushing him to his limit so he can avenge Garrow, his deceased uncle. Brom says, "That is one fact I'll keep to myself..."(pg141) Brom does not reveal so much of himself to Eragon, leaving Eragon curious about his powers and intelligence. Even though Brom is not so social about his own life, Eragon still appreciates Brom's work, and finds other ways to discover Brom's past to know more about the things he experienced. Brom would always encourage Eragon, "Brom encouraged him, 'No matter, you'll do fine for what i have planned."(pg 211) Brom always has faith in Eragon and Eragon will always have his trust with Brom. Brom's close relationship with Eragon has allowed him to take time during their lessons and practices and learn from each other.
         The book has its exciting and dull moments. Eragon is the main character of the book. He supports his family with meat because he is the hunter in the beginning who spotted a doe who he chased to the Spine. Eragon is a man with pride and honor. After finding the polished blue stone and losing the doe, he went to Sloan, the irritable butcher. He does not have anything in return for meat from Sloan and therefore Sloan would not offer anything in return. Sloan is pure business. Eragon offers his stone after a hard days hunting without any result. Sloan is told the stone is from the Spine and does not accept it for meat after wards. Eragon, asks for meat in return and Sloan would bargain for his own benefit. Sloan's bargain would not earn Eragon's approval as he would deny it because, "That's a miser's bargain! It must be worth at least ten times that,...Three crowns would not even buy enough meat to last a week."(pg 12) Eragon knows he needs to feed his family and is willing to take a risk by talking back to the butcher. Eragon, in order to keep his family alive, annoys the irritated butcher for what he has offered. The butcher could just not give him meat for anything. Eragon also "did not want to wait until they arrived"; it could be a while, and his family needed the meat now. Eragon is a strong man willing to give up his day's work and devote it to feed his family, even if it earns him a limited amount of food. Eragon chose the choice of trading in such a rare stone for meat that would feed his family. The family would have been lucky to have a reliable man who dedicates his day to supplying his family.
          Also, as Horst bought his meat for him from the butcher, he would say to his uncle Garrow's face that "I didn't accept charity." Eragon was honorable even when helped. He offered his polished stone when Horst bought him meat, to pay him back, but instead he would as Eragon for labor. Eragon agreed instead of walking off with free meat. Eragon works for everything he has earned, and does not take the easy way out. Taking the easy way out would not have allowed him to handle foreseeing his future at Angela's. He would make it that everything he got, free meat, would have its own sense of accomplishment. The Rider of Saphira is willing to make sacrifices.
        Eragon is a strong reluctant man who has earned the right to find and possess a stone so magical with power as the polished blue stone. Eragon's road to defeating the Urgals who destroyed his home has allowed him to meet Brom. His relationship develops with Brom even if Brom does discuss some things on his own without consulting Eragon. Eragon as well, does the same with Saphira about his future. Their relationships have developed Eragon's loyalty to Brom when Eragon stays back to end an Urgal's life because it had caught Brom. Eragon did not leave, but put his newly discovered power to use. By doing this, he proved he has no hatred for Brom. He saved him and would do it again after all of Brom's important teachings. After all the hard work Brom has pushed on Eragon to become a skilled rider, he does. With loyalty and honor, he is a prevailing rider who works for his rewards.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Online Peer Editing

Here are the comments I left for my tablemates' rough drafts...

For Colin,
Overall it is good and answers basic book review #4 well. First of all I would like to say cite your first quote, what page is it on? When you say you like his style and how he shows the whole family kind of hating on him, it makes less wonder in the plot. Less wonder for what will happen next? Also, I would like to know more about how Dave's life reflected on "IT"s cycle of stealing and punishment.
For Elton,
Dear Elton, First, Maybe you could introduce the book before going straight into the book review question you will talk about. I think you went into describing characters, who they are, and what they did, after talking about the style. I would like to know more about the style of militaristic strategies it gives. Is it for the game? Or are these strategies for war?
For Mercedes,
First, I'd like to say, maybe shorten the summary at the introduction and quickly summarize it to move onto the basic book review questions. Relate, telling the age of the characters, to style. I would like to know more about how you can only see half of the world the author has created. Make the weakness clearer.Is it weak because they do not revisit each other?
For Aleah,
What personality(s) of Savior are you focusing on? Because, in the third paragraph, it is mostly about Harlem and her dad. Prioritize the character you are analyzing. Write about one character, or the relationship between two characters. I'd like to know more about the relationship between savior and Harlem, because, you have a quote that shows Savior leaving, only with the support of Harlem. (-pg39)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Draft of Final Book review

Basic Book Review

In the fictional book Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Eragon is the main character, the human, who has found a magical stone in the spine and managed to become its rider as it hatches. He had not recognize the value of the stone at first and decides to try to exchange it for meat as he could not hunt a doe down. Eragon was to support his family with meat and would have done anything for it, if it meant trading such a magical stone away. However, at the time, he did not know what power the stone possessed and what link it had with him.
      After Eragon learns about his connection to this rider and how he was the one to unveil the dragon from the egg, he develops connections with the dragon, Saphira. Eragon and Brom's journey for Garrow, Eragon's uncle who died possibly, Saphira's fault, allow them to grow together and learn about each others general past. Eragon as he discovered because of Saphira's hatching, is somewhat a Rider. Because dragon stones only hatch when the moment is right, Eragon learned how to cope with his dragon from a skillful man old man, Brom.  
      Ever since Brom wisely discovered Eragon's secret with his stone and questions on dragons, he has been informing Eragon on his education. Brom believes in Eragon and knows certainly that he is a strong Rider. After a first practice of spar with sticks in the plains, Brom insists Eragon to train again. He understands Eragon's strengths and weaknesses surprisingly quick. The day after a training session Brom says, "I wouldn't push you so hard if i did not think you were strong enough." Eragon replies, "For once, I wouldn't mind being thought less of,' Muttered Eragon." (pg 123) In here, Brom shows how he knows Eragon is a strong man and Brom had not put up a weak fight. He gave Eragon stings, bruises, and many injuries Eragon needed to nurse and heal. Brom knows Eragon well from the time he had spent with him galloping on the plains. Eragon, on the other hand, does not know Brom so well. Brom's relationship with Eragon is strong because they both are Riders. Eragon appreciates Brom's work and for once, does not mind Brom pushing him to his limit so he can avenge Garrow, his deceased uncle. Brom says, "That is one fact I'll keep to myself..."(pg141) Brom does not reveal so much of himself to Eragon, leaving Eragon curious about his powers and intelligence. Brom and Eragon have created an encouraging and supportive relationship. At times, Brom would always encourage Eragon, "Brom encouraged him, 'No matter, you'll do fine for what i have planned."(pg 211) Brom always has faith in Eragon and Eragon will always have his trust with Brom. Brom's close relationship with Eragon has allowed him to take time during their lessons and practices and learn from each other.
The book has its exciting and dull moments. Eragon is the main character of the book. He supports his family with meat because he is the hunter in the beginning who spotted a doe who he chased to the Spine. Eragon is a trustworthy and honorable man. After finding the polished blue stone and losing the doe, he went to Sloan, the irritable butcher. He does not have anything in return for meat from Sloan and therefore Sloan would not offer anything in return. Sloan is pure business. Eragon offers his stone after a hard days hunting without any result. Sloan is told the stone is from the Spine and does not accept it for meat after wards. Eragon, asks for meat in return and Sloan would bargain for his own benefit. Sloan's bargain would not earn Eragon's approval as he would deny it because, "That's a miser's bargain! It must be worth at least ten times that,...Three crowns would not even buy enough meat to last a week."(pg 12) Eragon knows he needs to feed his family and is willing to talk back to the butcher. Eragon, in order to keep his family alive, annoys the irritated butcher for what he has offered. The butcher could just not give him meat for anything. Eragon also "did not want to wait until they arrived"; it could be a while, and his family needed the meat now. Eragon is a strong man willing to give up his day's work and devote it to feed his family, even if it earns him a limited amount of food. Eragon chose the choice of trading in such a rare stone for meat that would feed his family. The family would have been lucky to have a reliable man who dedicates his day to supplying his family.
Also, as Horst bought his meat for him from the butcher, he would say to his uncle Garrow's face that "I didn't accept charity." Eragon was honorable even when helped. He offered his polished stone when Horst bought him meat, to pay him back, but instead he would as Eragon for labor. Eragon agreed instead of walking off with free meat. Eragon works for everything he has earned, and does not take the easy way out. Taking the easy way out would not have allowed him to foresee his future at Angela's. He would make it that everything he got, free meat, would have its own sense of accomplishment. The Rider of Saphira is willing to make sacrifices.
Eragon is a strong reluctant man who has earned the right to find and possess a stone so magical with power as the polished blue stone. Eragon's road to defeating the Urgals who destroyed his home has allowed him to meet Brom. His relationship develops with Brom even if Brom does discuss some things on his own without consulting Eragon. Eragon as well, does the same with Saphira about his future. Their relationships have developed Eragon's loyalty to Brom when Eragon stays back to end an Urgal's life because it had caught Brom. Eragon did not leave, but use his newly discovered power. By doing this, he proved he has no hatred for Brom. After all the hard work Brom has pushed on Eragon to become a skilled rider, he does. With loyalty and honor, he is a prevailing rider who works for his rewards.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2nd test run of book review

    In the fictional book Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Eragon is the main character, the human, who has found a magical stone in the spine and managed to become its rider as it hatches. He had not recognize the value of the stone at first and decides to try to exchange it for meat as he could not hunt a doe down. Eragon was to support his family with meet and would have done anything for it, if it meant trading such a magical stone away. However, at the time, he did not know what power the stone possessed and what link it had with him.
   After Eragon learns about his connection to this rider and how he was the one to unveil the dragon from the egg, he develops connections with the dragon, Saphira. Eragon and Brom's journey for Garrow, Eragon's uncle who died possibly, Saphira's fault, allow them to grow together and learn about each others general past. Eragon as he discovered because of Saphira's hatching, is somewhat a Rider. Because dragon stones only hatch when the moment is right, Eragon learned how to cope with his dragon from a skillful man, Brom.  
   Ever since Brom wisely discovered Eragon's secret with his stone and questions on dragons, he has been informing Eragon on his education. Brom believes in Eragon and knows he is a strong Rider. After a first practice of spar with sticks in the plains, Brom insists Eragon to train again. He knows Eragon's strengths and weaknesses. The day after a training session Brom says, "I wouldn't push you so hard if i didnt think you were strong enough." Eragon replies, "For once, I wouldn't mind being thought less of,' Muttered Eragon." (pg 123) In here, Brom shows how he knows Eragon is a strong man and Brom had not put up a weak fight. He gave Eragon stings, bruises, and many injuries Eragon needed to nurse and heal. Brom knows Eragon well from the time he had spent with him galloping on the plains. Eragon, on the other hand, does not know Brom so well. Brom says, "That is one fact I'll keep to myself..."(pg141) Brom does not reveal so much of himself to Eragon, leaving Eragon curious about his powers and intelligence. Brom and Eragon have created an encouraging and supportive relationship. At times, Brom would always encourage Eragon, "Brom encouraged him, 'No matter, you'll do fine for what i have planned."(pg 211) Brom always has faith in Eragon and Eragon will always have his trust with Brom.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First test run of book review

In the fictional book Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Eragon, the main character finds a dark blue polished stone in the Spine, which were mountains that extended up and down one land. He does not recognize the value of the stone and decides to try to exchange it for meat as he could not hunt a doe down. Eragon, a human, goes to find information about magical ancient dragons.
The book has its exciting moments and dull moments. Eragon is the main character of the book. He supports his family with meat because he is the hunter in the beginning who spotted a doe who he chased to the Spine. Eragon is a trustworthy and honorable man. After finding the polished blue stone and losing the doe, he went to Sloan, the irritable butcher. He does not have anything in return for meat from Sloan and therefore Sloan would not offer anything in return. Sloan is pure business. Eragon offers his stone after a hard days hunting without any result. Sloan is told the stone is from the Spine and does not accept it for meat after wards. Eragon, asks for meat in return and Sloan would bargain for his own benefit. Sloan's bargain would not earn Eragon's approval as he would deny it because, "That's a miser's bargain! It must be worth at least ten times that,...Three crowns would not even buy enough meat to last a week."(pg 12) Eragon knows he needs to feed his family and is willing to talk back to the butcher. The butcher can just not give him meat for anything. Eragon also "did not want to wait until they arrived; it could be a while, and his family needed the meat now." Eragon is a strong man willing to give up his day's work and devote it to feed his family, even if it earns him a limited amount of food.
Also, as Horst bought his meat for him from the butcher, he would say to his uncle Garrow's face that "I didn't accept charity." Eragon was honorable even when helped. He offered his polished stone when Horst bought him meat to pay him back, but instead he would take Eragon's help. Eragon agreed instead of walking off with free meat.
Eragon is a strong reluctant man who has earned the right to find and possess a stone so magical with power as the polished blue stone.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette project reviews

After browsing tons of vignette projects, each vignette had different things to say and different things to explain. Some however had some connection through the vignettes. The vignettes discuss similar things. Out of many vignettes, the descriptions had overlapping meanings. Some talked about name, some about music, and even about personal life.
Two vignettes that share a connection are in, Ivan Areola's and Justice Toailoa's vignettes on their description on shoes. In their family's concerns, shoes are more important than to their own concern. Shoes are used to portray personality. Some people over exaggerate using their shoes, and some people do not. Ivan explains shoes as,
"i have many shoes that tend to focus on what i feel and for different occasions. with having different types of shoes it leads to priority of specific one compared to others."
Ivan uses shoes to distinguish different types of events. He classifies shoes into events and uses them to fit an occasion. He says having various types of shoes to choose from, each of them can be organized and prioritized for different needs, thus not having to wear running sneakers to a funeral. With more types of shoes to choose from, each shoe can specifically be organized into occasions to fit the event better.
Justice, on the other hand, sees shoes as,
"Im simple open to any shoe as long as it’s cute and I’m not thinking about it. In some ways it is good to like shoes but i do not get the urgent obsession to have to buy a pair of shoes every weekend just because you feel like you need another pair of shoes to fit your life style."
She, as well as Ivan, cares about the shoes they wear. The shoe has to look good in order for it to be worn. It is a shoe that looks good and anything else can go. However, Justice does not buy so many shoes because you do not need shoes to fit different styles. Different shoes can go with different styles. Shoes can vary. Shoes do fit a person's style, but a person does not need a shoe for every style they have. The different between Ivan and Justice's care for shoe is that a specific shoe can match many occasions, and shoes should not be bought constantly as, "now your wasting someone's else's time who could really be using those
shoes and now they can't because you feel as though you really  need them." Obsession for shoes is not needed.

Ivan and Justice's vignette on shoes relates to show shoes do portray personality. However, people only have one personality.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Esperanza, the following episode

   In the final four vignettes of the House on Mango Street, Sandra shows Esperanza's hope to leave Mango street and possibly returning for the ones she "left behind". In the final four vignettes, Esperanza encounters visitors of the house who seemed to possess some uniqueness in them. The third to last of the four vignettes, Alicia points to Esperanza's house, she is too ashamed to admit she lives there.In the second to last of the four vignettes, Esperanza dreams of a house on her own, with her own independence and privacy. The last and final vignette, Esperanza believes she can break free from the gloomy house on Mango Street and come back for the ones she left behind, who cannot leave on their own.
   In these final vignettes, visitors viewed the house and asked Esperanza to make a wish, "Yes, make a wish. What do you want? Anything? I said. Well, why not? I closed my eyes...Along silence. When you leave you must remember always to come back, she said."(pg 104.) The visitors can predict Esperanza's wish was to leave after viewing the house. They can tell Esperanza wants to leave and shows this by telling her to come back when she does. These final vignettes show how much Esperanza wants to leave her shameful house. "You live right here, 4006 Mango, Alicia says and points to the house I am ashamed of. No, this isn't my house i say... I don't belong."(pg 106) This shows how strong Esperanza's feelings are to break free from this Mango Street house because she never wants to look at it nor come from it. This house is viewed to her as not a real house. Esperanza begins to vision her new house, "A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias."(pg 108) She has always wanted these visions to become true with her own privacy. In her future, she will live in her own house by herself raising flowers. This vision of a private house makes it seem as if she wants to live alone without anyone to poke at her. The wish, visions and shamefulness toward the house all lead up to her wanting to leave. When she finally leaves, she may become a storyteller or writer. She explains she likes to tell stories and with the life she had, she would love to. Her future of storytelling comes from the life she had moving from house to house and landing on a sad Many Street house. I do not think she will come back for the ones she left behind because she says "I don't ever want to come from here...but me I never had a house.."(pg 107) From this quote, she doesn't see her house as a house nor does she ever want to go back to it. By going back to the house, she will have to come from it.
   The last four vignettes express Esperanza's shamefulness toward her "house" on Mango Street and visions and wishes to finally leave and possibly get a storytelling related job in the future.

Raising boys and girls

   In the book of a series of vignettes, The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros is about a young girl Esperanza Cordero who faces many difficulties in her life as she comes to learn how she can achieve in the future. Written by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza is raised in Chicago, the Latino rundown neighborhood section. Esperanza had many difficulties and obstacles she needed to overcome in order to pursue her life out of Mango Street.While facing these difficulties, Sandra Cisneros portrays a difference in the way children should be raised based on their gender. In some vignettes, boys are showed to be raised as stronger and more independent. This freedom allows the boys to go outside and do what they want. In some vignettes, as well, girls are showed to be under the grasp of parents without as much freedom. In Sandra Cisneros's view, boys do not have the safety that girls have when they are young and are vulnerable to more trouble. The freedom that boys have allow parents to not worry about them as much, but worry about the girls future. Girls are more worried about and can get into trouble more easily. It is shown raising a girl requires more spy activity and focus on the people around you. On page 41, as Rachel, Lucy, and Esperanza are "tee-tottering" down the corner while men are watching,
"Mr. Benny at the corner grocery puts down his important cigar: Your mother know you got shoes like that?  Who give you those? Nobody. Them are dangerous, he says. You girls too young to be wearing shoes like that. Take them shoes off before i call the cops, but we just run."
 This shows how some people in their neighborhood pay attention to girls more. Depending on how they pay attention, boys with glued eyes and Mr. Benny with criticism of their shoes, girls lean on to be raised with a much harder life. Girls are raised to not have the bad look and are always watched.
  Boys on the other hand have more freedom but are sometimes protected when it comes to interaction with girls in the outside world. Esperanza describes the boy's world as, "They've got plenty to say to me and Nenny inside the house. But outside the house they can't be seen talking to girls."(pg 8) This shows how boys are allowed to talk to their sisters, in the house, but cannot talk to other girls, outside of the house. They can't be seen with girls, meaning the parents are being protective and preventing their boys from having that interaction with other girls.
Thus, the differences between boy and girl vary on the type of protection they receive, some receive more from more people, some receive more from their family.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Avoiding Fears

1. Tall Wood
2. The Word
3. 5 Broken Pencils
4. As opposed to dark
5. Hairs

Tall Wood
Walking down the road surrounded by nature all the time, I didn’t appreciate what nature did. As I looked for my mom in the football field parking lot, I kept an open eye for everything around me, just in case she appears. I looked everywhere while standing in place and saw expensive cars, shopping bags, and parents of others. I saw trash cans, pillow clouds, and trees like dinosaurs. These trash cans were full of trash and even recyclable material. The fluffy clouds looked like they were moving across the blue ocean sky. The humongous trees rose up from their roots far in the ground. The trees had bright green leaves. I waited for my mom to come out of the store. Whenever I felt like panicking, I stared at the trees and took deep breaths like running from a bear. The trees waved at me as the wind blew and leaves lightly lifted away from the branch into my hand. The thought of mom coming back was carved onto the bark of the tree. Every time this bark chipped off or was chipped off, I lost the image.
I never appreciated trees. My basic description of a tree was wood, that, like plants, produce oxygen. When I looked at the trees this time, I saw a huge body of life. The tree had many friends. He was surrounded by many other trees. They surrounded the perimeter of the parking lot and kept everything that belonged in, in. The tree was a permeable border, it let people come in and let people out. Without the help of my fellow trees, my mom would leave. I knew the trees would not let me down.
The whole time, i played with the trees. I laughed with them, waved with them, and climbed on them. People stared but the trees would fend them off.
I never understood the power of the tree. It brought my mom to me and me to my mom. I stared at the tree as we left. Birds like eagles had occupied it and sneaky squirrels had their eyes on it. It would have company as I left.

The Word
When it was time for bad words to finally arrive, it arrived. I was waiting for the word to finally pop up.
School was the last place I thought the word would fall in. With so many teachers watching and so many other students who could snitch. I was watching my classmates take a test like it was brain surgery. They tapped and winked at each other like they were on a secret mission, just taking a test. They never stayed silent during the test even if they were not cheating on the test. I eyed the teacher in the corner of my eye. She looked at me like I was doing something wrong while all the other kids were talking.
When I walked up to turn in my test, she looked at the test then to me before taking it from my hand.
I said, Why can everyone else talk?
She replied, and spoke to the rest of the class, “QUIET”.
Shocked, I walked back slowly to my seat and quietly down without making a noise. I sat with my hands crossed and stared at the clock. The talking continued and one student began throwing balls of paper at another. The other student replied with a sharp pencil thrown back at the first person. It hit the student around the eye area.
He yelled, “OW” and the WORD.
The next thing I noticed was he was gone. After the teacher did not tolerate the language, he left holding his eye and looked ahead for his mom.
After that, the students began to say that word just for fun. I, maybe once or twice, stopped and saved its use for emergencies.
I heard, “Hey...Why, what is one plus one.”
I answered with the word in my mind, “toe.... two sorry.”
In class, HE was back. and calmed down. I laughed at him when he came in and as he sat down, I said his word. He said, It wasn’t funny, my eye hurt when his pencil hit me. Can I borrow a sharpener?
I said no, but that word was what I started to think of.
The thrower began to throw little balls of paper at me, and I asked him to stop. He thought it was funny that the balls bounced off my face, so he kept going and threw a larger one that looked like an orange. I stormed the WORD out and the room froze. This time,  I was on my own, in the dark dreary dull corner because of my disruption. Was the WORD worse than what the thrower did?

5 broken pencils
Tests sucked. Some students liked tests, I did not. They were in it for the grade because it would boost them up. Some students began to care about their grades at an early age. I never understood what they were until the end of sixth grade because I got “3s” on most of my grades. It did not matter as long as my parents would not get mad, they would say, it is OK, but you have to start doing better when you get older. I said, OK, and did not know if i could pull it off.
In class, i sat at my seat and stared at the clock and board as usual. “Put your stuff away and take out just a pencil”. Surprised, I put my papers on my desk away and scooped my hand into my backpack for a pencil. I said, “Hurray”. I felt so many sticks of wood in my backpack and fingered around to lift one up. The ones i lifted were broken in half. One after another, until, I found a pencil tip in my backpack and whipped it out between my fingers. This, I thought, saved me from embarrassment from walking up the classroom and asking the teacher for a pencil. Even with a pencil tip, i was glad.

As opposed to dark.
As opposed to dark, light would always from me happiness. At  night I sleep. At night, I avoid seeing even though it is nearly impossible to see. At night it is like the Earth is a room, and the light is blocked out. I like the sun shining its bright light down instead of the darkness.
In the dark, i would stumble past walls and bang my hip onto the side of the door and fall. I sat there waiting, too scared to move. As I saw the smiling sun rise just a little, I ran to my bed and jumped in. I did not get much sleep, but at least the sun saved me. In the light, i ran like there was no dark after me. The light is where I am alive and not resting away from the darkness.
The one day, I went upstairs on my own, was the only day that I needed to jump into my drawing bed.

Everybody in our family has different skin tones. My Papa’s skin is like a cardboard box. It is not too dark nor too light. It is a darker shade of brown. His skin shines in the sun at the pool. It is often rough and thick, sometimes even dry. And me, my skin is light and dark. It doesn’t burn much because I try to avoid the sunlight. His skin is sensitive and easily burnt by the sun. He does need to apply a lot of sunscreen whenever exposed to the sunlight. And the turtle, his skin is scaly.
But my mother’s skin, my mother’s skin, is very pale. She does not expose her skin to the sun. If any method possible, she will try to avoid the sun. It does not ever turn dark because as soon as it becomes red, Mama escapes the sun. It glows in the sun instead of shining. It does not dry easily after washing vegetables. My Papa’s skin is rough and hard. It is the skin of a turtle without the scales. Her skin is soft when she is holding you and easily scratched. The dark skin, the glowing skin, and the hidden skin at the pool, all at once.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Trees symbolize...

In the book The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, it consists of consecutive vignettes all about different things in a person's life. One way of describing her life is by using symbols. The author uses symbols to represent things that are not mentioned first hand. They imply a meaning but that meaning of the symbol is never exposed in the book. It is hidden and for the author to know and for the reader to analyze. One of the many symbols Sandra Cisneros uses is the symbol of trees. In the book, trees symbolize a calm living thing. Trees symbolize the tranquility in her life when there is nothing else to look at. One of many symbols, trees represents the calming life everywhere.
Trees represent something that cheers the main character up. It is when she is feeling down when she looks towards trees. She says on page 75, "When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees. When there is nothing left to look at on this street." In this quote, Sandra explains that Esparanza looks at trees when she is sad. When she is feeling down about herself, trees are the things that cheer her up. She looks at trees when she can keep keeping. Also when there is nothing left on the street to look forward to, trees can be her plan. Trees are like sites that bring happiness and healing to her pain because she looks at them when she is not feeling good.
Trees symbolize a calm safe feeling because Esparanza describes trees as a good thing. Rows of trees are joy for Esparanza. On page 83, she explains, "There'd be no nosy neighbors watching, no motorcycles and cars, no sheets and towels and laundry. Only trees and more trees and plenty of blue sky." With so much trees and sky, she can have her own privacy and be on her own. There will be not distractions in her life nor noise. Trees are the opposite of distractions and annoying things; they are soothing and relaxing.
Also on the page she says, "Only trees and more  trees and plenty of blue sky. and you could laugh, sally. You could go to sleep and wake up and never have to think who likes and doesn't like you." (pg 83) Trees are like an alarm. When there are so many trees visible, she can relax. She can do anything she wants without caring about what other people think. This is how the trees bring joy into her life. They serve as peace and harmony. Trees are what allows Esparanza to live her life and not worry about other people's opinions.
Esparanza may look forward to trees as sometimes her life goes down, but trees can do the healing and bring back the peacefulness in her life.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Windows - Symbolism

In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, she displays windows for a symbolic reason in her vignettes. The significance of windows in the book is to symbolize an isolation from the outside world and sadness. The author describes a sense of loneliness and sadness with the window between them and the world. It is the window that causes them to feel differently.
Windows, in the vignette, my name, shows her great grandmother's life of trouble with her grandfather. Her grandmother's life was stolen from her. She says about her grandmother, "She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow." (pg 11) The result of her grandmother's stolen life is sadness. The window is what prevents her from seeing the outside world. The window shows isolation from others and prevents her from achieving what she could have achieved. The window was a barrier that isolated the grandmother from the world. The sadness prevented her from "be all the things she wanted to be."(pg 11) The window served as a barrier to not allow the grandmother to succeed but keep her in place. The window gives the characters a sad life, saying that they look out the window in despair.
In No Speak English, windows are used to show a sad life. It shows that Rachel did not get her name so "She sits all day by the window and plays the Spanish radio show and sings all the homesick songs about her country in a voice that sounds like a seagull.". (pg 77) From a failure, Rachel ends up in despair as well, and wastes her days listening to the radio. The window shows how her life seems so blank and Windows in this, show sadness like the first one. However, the window is the thing that makes her seem sad, because she is so close to the open world but never reaches it.
In the vignette, Rafaela, she is shown as "getting old from leaning out the window so much,"(pg 79)From this quote, Rafaela, leaning on the window, has shown despair with age. She has become older after being on the window so much, even though she is young. The window is the thing that prevents Rafaela from escaping her husband's grasp. She, "leans out the window and leans on her elbow and dreams her hair is like Rapunzel's. (pg 79) She is dreaming of escaping, however, the locked window prevents her from getting out. It is the barrier between her, and the world outside of her house.
From all three vignettes, grandmother, Rachel, and Rafaela's stare and connection to the window does not allow them to reach their full potentials in life. Rather, it keeps them isolated from the outside world. Windows represent the barrier, and the amount of loneliness they have. It is windows that can symbolize how the outcomes of their life have become and their dreams for hope.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Celie and Nettite Compare/Contrast Essay

Celie and Nettite Compare/Contrast Essay

    The epistolary novel, The Color Purple, written by Alice Walker, is about a young woman's struggle. Celie, who faces many hardships in her life has to learn to step up to the ones who disrespect her. In the story, Celie explains her hard life to God daily in letters. Celie also begins to lose some faith in God as she starts to write to Nettie, her sister. Celie, and Nettie’s separation in life and encounters with discrimination and religion exhibit various similarities and differences between their point of views towards faith, gender, and treatment by others. Nettie is more privileged and respectful to herself, which allows her to escape abuse by others while Celie is less confident and suffers the wrath of abuse.
    Celie’s approval to stay with Albert affects her religion in a more negative way than Nettie who manages to escape the horrible treatment of Albert and become a missionary. Celie is religious at first and God is an important factor in her life, but since Nettite left she begins to lose faith in God. Everyday, Celie wrote a letter to God.
She says, "Dear, God (New paragraph) Nettie here with us. She run way from home. She say she hate to leave our stepma but she had to git out, maybe fine help for the other little ones." (pg 16)
From this quote, she shares a connection with God and shows how Nettie would react when things don't go her way. However, deeper in the story, she starts to lose some of her deep religious beliefs and start to drift away from them. When writing to Nettie she says,
“What God do for me? I ast.
She say, Celie! Like she shock. He gave you life, good health and a good woman that love you to death. Yeah....And a sister i probably won’t ever see again.”(pg 192)
At this moment, she doesn’t think God is almighty anymore because he hasn’t done anything noticeable to Celie. Celie thinks God hasn’t done anything for her, except give her a horrible life of suffering. Nettie on the other hand is religious but also more focused on other things. She says, “I wrote a letter to you almost every day on the ship coming to Africa.” (pg 130) When she is going to Africa, she still writes to Celie but not to God. However, she thanks God for her safety, “I thought I had cut myself. but thank God you were there to tell me i was all right.” (pg 188) Nettie is always busy, but still gives thanks to God. The way in which Celie and Nettie’s lives are affected by other people affect the way they feel towards things.
    Celie and Nettie are both affected by gender inequality in different ways. Some men like Albert disrespect women that put up with this kind of treatment and don't show any sign of resistance. She says in her letter to Nettie, “Well, you know wherever there’s a man, there’s trouble.”(pg 205) From this quote, Celie shows her hatred and her experience with men. Celie sees men as a sign of trouble because they always put Celie up with things to do for them. Celie also believes that women are made weaker because other people say so. Celie also shows hatred to men by saying, “the God I been praying and writing to is a man. And act just like all the other mens in know. Trifling, forgitful and lowdown.” (pg 192). From this quote, Celie is expressing her feelings toward men. The men have treated her so bad she starts to lose faith because God is a man,. Nettie on the other hand believes everyone should be stronger because she is more confident. However, Nettie does not hate men all as much as Celie. She says, “Corrine is a lucky woman to have him as her husband.”(pg 138) She can see that not all men are bad and as bad as Albert was, she sees the positive side of Corrine’s husband. Nettie hasn't always been treated badly because of gender like Celie. Celie who stayed with Albert longer than Nettie, has been affected deeply by a man who sees nothing in women
    The treatment of others toward Celie differs with the treatment toward Nettie because Celie is looked down upon. Nettie has Celie who, “ast him to take me instead of Nettie while our new mammy sick. But he just ast me what ‘m talking bout. I tell him I can fix myself up for him... He beat me for dressing trampy...”(pg 7) Celie cares for Nettie and would rather take one for Nettie than to let her suffer. Celie only has Shug who would support her when she admits to being beaten. Shug said, “I won’t leave, she say, until I know Albert won’t even think about hitting you.” (pg 75) Shug Avery is someone that will defend Celie from albert’s beatings. she’s willing to stay for Celie and not many people have helped Celie out. Nettie is a stronger woman who tells Celie to fight back. She advises Celie,”You got to fight” (pg 17). She gives Celie advice on not getting taken advantage of because her resisting attitude has allowed her to be independent. Treatment by others differ between Celie and Nettie because Nettie makes stands while Celie obeys.
     From their struggles in life, Celie and Nettie both encounter religious faith struggles, gender inequality and cruel treatment by others. Also, Nettie has found openings to fix these problems in her life while Celie lives with them. Nettie's way of dealing with things that don't go her way is to quit it. Celie's way is to accept those things and go with the flow. Alice Walker’s point is to show struggle between faith and the inequality between man and woman. The Color Purple presents brutal treatment towards women, but also shows how women can fight back and gain what they want. It shows sisters who represent the strong and the weak and the outcomes of both.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Social Networking

In objection to Ashli's con against social networking, I believe social networking is a good way for teens to communicate. In response to Ashli',
" we can talk to everyone we want to all at once but can not interact with them physically."
If people are using social networking, they may not want to interact physically with the person they are talking to. They may be talking online with the person because it does not cost money. It may be a long distance friendship that allows them to communicate with each other at no cost. With such distance, social networking does not allow the talkers to interact but they can still communicate and keep in touch. To oppose Ashli, social networking is just a place to be social, not to interact. Interaction happens in the real world, but plans can be made to interact on social networks. Seeing someone in person is a different story. Just speaking online is to talk. They may just want to speak to each other because it is easier.
Social Networking can be opened to stalkers because people share their information online with all their "friends". It is not rule that you must share personal information. If you are too afraid to do it then leave it blank. People complain about social networking because privacy is invaded, but there is no invasion of privacy if you don't share it.
Her quote,
And where families and close ones seeing the stuff they wouldn’t think you will do
 This would be a good thing for families and friends to keep in touch. Again, if you do not want people knowing about your business, don't reveal it to the public.Opinions made are, stalkers can easily get to you by looking at posts related to you and seeing someone in first person is worth the time. The stalkers claim is an opinion because you should not add anyone you don't know anyway. Also there are more private methods of communicating with social networking such as chat or messaging. Going to meet someone first person is another opinion because the time may not be worth it. It is an opinion to think that the time wasted to meet someone, is worth it. Things may turn out the wrong way. Speaking online, is easier than speaking in person.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Celie's letters to God.

What do Celie's letters to God tell you so far about 1. Her character traits and 2. Her beliefs about and relationship with God? Use quotes to answer both parts of this question.
Celie's letters to God are personal and reveal her daily habits and important details she may want to remember. She never mentions if she actually mailed those letters to God or not. Celie's letters to God reveal that she believes in God and is very religious. When she writes letters to God, it is almost a diary where she can keep track of memories, but I don't. She describes letters as if she is describing her days. "Finally I have supper and go to bed". (Celie, pg 32) She says she has supper then goes to bed, she doesn't need to explain anything because its straight forward. In her letters to God, she brings up important occurrences that affected her life. "And now i feels sick every time I be the one to cook. My mama she fuss at me an look at me."(Celie pg 1) After being abused by her father, she does not feel right when cooking nor looking at her mama. This affects how she will feel in the future, never feeling right when she cooks.
Celie's letters to God tell me that she is a uncertain woman who faces fear in every direction. She seems to lack clothing to put on because, "But what I'm sposed to put on? I don't have nothing."(Celie, pg3)  In this letter to God, it reveals she isn't the rich type, but it doesn't affect her that much. In her letters to God, her relationship is revealed because she knows that God will help her and guide her. She thinks God makes everything that has happened to her happen. If anything bad happens, its because she made a mistake. Celie says "With God help", saying that God has the power to help her, and will. She believes deeply in God and refers to God in her life when talking.
Celie's way of writing letters to God is a route out of the problems she faces during those days. Celie is a loving person who is mistreated, but she finds a way out, through God.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Should the number of years of required schooling be changed?

The number of years in school should be changed because students need more time to make a living. Students spend most of their childhood learning in school, discipline and educational subjects, but they don't have enough time to be a child after elementary school. Its never fun and games for the students.
 Students in high school do not need so much time, four years to make a decision that will last the rest of their life because in four years, many mishaps can occur. It is possible for students to learn the material they learn in the number of years in school, in a shorter amount of time. Some of the time in school is spent off topic and some is also useless. This is a way to waste time during the school year. Moving much faster, school days will shorten and the number of years in school can be changed. Students in lower grades can speed faster through the material and slow down as they get older. The lower grade material is important to learn in order to understand the later material, but it can be practiced throughout their life. With more and more technology improving, such as calculators, low level mathematics can be simplified with calculators. Technological advancements allow us to easily understand and see math and science. However, it is never helpful to only use technology because if sometimes, that technology fails, then there would be no backup plan to carry out the situation.  It is an improper movement to just move ahead to learning to use technology instead of learning the way the technology solves things. School years should shorten because it would also save the district money. With less days, of school, less money would be needed to support everyday school. In a LA article about shortening the school's calender,

"which could save the Los Angeles Unified School District up to $140 million". 

From the website, LA article, the ballot casters mostly believe that the decision to shorten school years is an effective idea.With less time in school, less money is needed to be put in daily and for the students, they'll have more free time to attain "street smart" knowledge.In addition, if school does not become effective in earning a job, the last many years in school have been wasted.
  Therefore, with shortened school calendars, students can achieve the education they need quicker, save the district some money, and excel in other things besides education.