Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette project reviews

After browsing tons of vignette projects, each vignette had different things to say and different things to explain. Some however had some connection through the vignettes. The vignettes discuss similar things. Out of many vignettes, the descriptions had overlapping meanings. Some talked about name, some about music, and even about personal life.
Two vignettes that share a connection are in, Ivan Areola's and Justice Toailoa's vignettes on their description on shoes. In their family's concerns, shoes are more important than to their own concern. Shoes are used to portray personality. Some people over exaggerate using their shoes, and some people do not. Ivan explains shoes as,
"i have many shoes that tend to focus on what i feel and for different occasions. with having different types of shoes it leads to priority of specific one compared to others."
Ivan uses shoes to distinguish different types of events. He classifies shoes into events and uses them to fit an occasion. He says having various types of shoes to choose from, each of them can be organized and prioritized for different needs, thus not having to wear running sneakers to a funeral. With more types of shoes to choose from, each shoe can specifically be organized into occasions to fit the event better.
Justice, on the other hand, sees shoes as,
"Im simple open to any shoe as long as it’s cute and I’m not thinking about it. In some ways it is good to like shoes but i do not get the urgent obsession to have to buy a pair of shoes every weekend just because you feel like you need another pair of shoes to fit your life style."
She, as well as Ivan, cares about the shoes they wear. The shoe has to look good in order for it to be worn. It is a shoe that looks good and anything else can go. However, Justice does not buy so many shoes because you do not need shoes to fit different styles. Different shoes can go with different styles. Shoes can vary. Shoes do fit a person's style, but a person does not need a shoe for every style they have. The different between Ivan and Justice's care for shoe is that a specific shoe can match many occasions, and shoes should not be bought constantly as, "now your wasting someone's else's time who could really be using those
shoes and now they can't because you feel as though you really  need them." Obsession for shoes is not needed.

Ivan and Justice's vignette on shoes relates to show shoes do portray personality. However, people only have one personality.

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