Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2nd test run of book review

    In the fictional book Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Eragon is the main character, the human, who has found a magical stone in the spine and managed to become its rider as it hatches. He had not recognize the value of the stone at first and decides to try to exchange it for meat as he could not hunt a doe down. Eragon was to support his family with meet and would have done anything for it, if it meant trading such a magical stone away. However, at the time, he did not know what power the stone possessed and what link it had with him.
   After Eragon learns about his connection to this rider and how he was the one to unveil the dragon from the egg, he develops connections with the dragon, Saphira. Eragon and Brom's journey for Garrow, Eragon's uncle who died possibly, Saphira's fault, allow them to grow together and learn about each others general past. Eragon as he discovered because of Saphira's hatching, is somewhat a Rider. Because dragon stones only hatch when the moment is right, Eragon learned how to cope with his dragon from a skillful man, Brom.  
   Ever since Brom wisely discovered Eragon's secret with his stone and questions on dragons, he has been informing Eragon on his education. Brom believes in Eragon and knows he is a strong Rider. After a first practice of spar with sticks in the plains, Brom insists Eragon to train again. He knows Eragon's strengths and weaknesses. The day after a training session Brom says, "I wouldn't push you so hard if i didnt think you were strong enough." Eragon replies, "For once, I wouldn't mind being thought less of,' Muttered Eragon." (pg 123) In here, Brom shows how he knows Eragon is a strong man and Brom had not put up a weak fight. He gave Eragon stings, bruises, and many injuries Eragon needed to nurse and heal. Brom knows Eragon well from the time he had spent with him galloping on the plains. Eragon, on the other hand, does not know Brom so well. Brom says, "That is one fact I'll keep to myself..."(pg141) Brom does not reveal so much of himself to Eragon, leaving Eragon curious about his powers and intelligence. Brom and Eragon have created an encouraging and supportive relationship. At times, Brom would always encourage Eragon, "Brom encouraged him, 'No matter, you'll do fine for what i have planned."(pg 211) Brom always has faith in Eragon and Eragon will always have his trust with Brom.

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