Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reflective Essay DRAFT

 8. How do I like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way I write, the way I think, or the way I
    think about writing?
10. Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?

Since the beginning of the year, I have been blogging about topics related to English class for a grade. Mr. Sutherland had told us to make a blog and put up writing posts. This has allowed me to write things that i felt interested in instead of writing because I had to. We blogged about the books we read, responses to other classmate's posts and about anything. I enjoyed not having specific assignments and having to do writing assignments that were open to discussion. At first, i did not want to make a blog because i did not know how to and i thought it would be much harder to write and complete assignments. However, instead of being harder, it was much easier to work with, even with the many distractions of the internet.

How do i like having a blog? Schoolwise, i like using the blog as a way to do homework. Otherwise, on my freetime, i would like blogging,  but not occassionally. I like using blog posts as a way to turn in homework because it is quick and easy. It is much easier to type on a blog than to write everything out. Typing online with all the time I have until midnight allows me to dig deep and find new ideas to write about or respond about. Our usual weekly blog consists of two to three posts: Free post of anything, a response post to a peer, and something else that deals with what we are doing during the week. I like having a blog and knowing where people find and read my blog. I like recieving feedback from others, possibly all over the world. I may not like a blog if i were to do it on my free time because i would not have much to write about if we were not given a specific topic to write about. Blogging changed the way i write because of the feedback i recieved. I noticed how to break chunks into paragraphs that only focus on one idea and i have began writing past writer's block. When writer's block blocks me during essays, i keep writing and it acts like a brainstorm to prepare for my next ideas. Blogging changed the way i think because, as it can be viewed all over, i decided that writing should not include an direct negative comments toward anyone to prevent conflicts. Blogging changed the way i write because i when I write either on blog or not, i review my sentences right after i wrote them. Responding to other people's posts after reading them and finding flaws have allowed me to read my work and find flaws in them as i am writing them. For example, when i am writing i can catch things that are not related or strong enough. Blogging has changed the way i think about writing because, i do not think of it as something i am forced to do for a grade. I think of blogging and writing as a way to give feedback and express my opinions on things. After beign introduced to the views of my blog, i decided to look at other people's blogs around the world and their opinion on things im interested in. I noticed the bloggers had many opininated words. I see writing as a way to express ideas and promote discussions. Blogging changed my opinion on writing because many bloggers use their blog to talk about modern things, which writing can be used to do. Blogging changed my old idea of boring writing to something that can allow me to show my views.

Every week, we have a response and free post. After reading someone else's post, a question will always strike me, either to ask for more or clarification. While doing my free post however, it takes me time to think of something to write about. I notice others write about their day or things around the world. Sometimes, instead of doing a free post, I write a second response post because I could not think of a good idea that would last 350 words without repitition of ideas. Getting home from school on a friday, i begin to think about what ideas i could start to write about for my free post. However, the only times i could think of anything to write about, is after reading other people's posts. But, when i read other's posts and write about the same idea, i feel as if it is a response. My ideas for my blog come from other people's posts. I read about what other people write about, which may be important to them, and go into detail on my perspective of that idea. Sometimes i get my ideas from things happening around me and possibly dangers. After reading someone else's blog, i could light a light bulb possibly related to that post or even that exact topic. When i write, the thing inspiring me is the grade and the way to make a point.

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