Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Basic Book Review 5/4/11

8. Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters. (Brom and Eragon. Eragon's respectable self and pride.)
In the fictional book Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Eragon is the main character, the human, who has found a mysterious stone in the spine and managed to become its rider as it hatches. He had not recognize the value of the stone at first and decides to try to exchange it for meat as he could not hunt a doe down for his family. Eragon was to support his family with meat and would have done anything for it, if it meant trading such a magical stone away. However, at the time, he did not know what power the stone possessed and what link it had with him.
          After Eragon learns about his connection to this rider and how he was the one to unveil the dragon from the egg, he develops connections with his dragon, Saphira. Eragon and Brom's journey for Garrow, Eragon's uncle who died possibly, Saphira's fault, allow them to grow together and learn about each others general past. Eragon's quest to becoming a Rider has allowed him to develop an even stronger respected and honorable characteristic than before. Eragon as he discovered because of Saphira's hatching, is somewhat a Rider. Because dragon stones only hatch when the moment is right, Eragon learned how to cope with his dragon from a skillful man old man, Brom.  
         Ever since Brom wisely discovered Eragon's secret with his stone and questions on dragons, he has been informing Eragon on all types of training to become an experienced rider. Brom believes in Eragon and knows certainly that he is a strong Rider. After a first practice of spar with sticks in the plains, Brom insists Eragon to train again because he wants Eragon to succeed. He understands Eragon's strengths and weaknesses surprisingly quick. The day after a training session Brom says, "I wouldn't push you so hard if i did not think you were strong enough." Eragon replies, "For once, I wouldn't mind being thought less of,' Muttered Eragon." (pg 123) In here, Brom shows how he knows Eragon is a strong man and Brom had not put up a weak fight. He gave Eragon stings, bruises, and many injuries Eragon needed to nurse and heal. Brom knows Eragon well from the time he had spent with him galloping on the plains. Eragon, on the other hand, does not know Brom so well. Brom's relationship with Eragon is strong because they both are Riders. Eragon appreciates Brom's work and for once, does not mind Brom pushing him to his limit so he can avenge Garrow, his deceased uncle. Brom says, "That is one fact I'll keep to myself..."(pg141) Brom does not reveal so much of himself to Eragon, leaving Eragon curious about his powers and intelligence. Even though Brom is not so social about his own life, Eragon still appreciates Brom's work, and finds other ways to discover Brom's past to know more about the things he experienced. Brom would always encourage Eragon, "Brom encouraged him, 'No matter, you'll do fine for what i have planned."(pg 211) Brom always has faith in Eragon and Eragon will always have his trust with Brom. Brom's close relationship with Eragon has allowed him to take time during their lessons and practices and learn from each other.
         The book has its exciting and dull moments. Eragon is the main character of the book. He supports his family with meat because he is the hunter in the beginning who spotted a doe who he chased to the Spine. Eragon is a man with pride and honor. After finding the polished blue stone and losing the doe, he went to Sloan, the irritable butcher. He does not have anything in return for meat from Sloan and therefore Sloan would not offer anything in return. Sloan is pure business. Eragon offers his stone after a hard days hunting without any result. Sloan is told the stone is from the Spine and does not accept it for meat after wards. Eragon, asks for meat in return and Sloan would bargain for his own benefit. Sloan's bargain would not earn Eragon's approval as he would deny it because, "That's a miser's bargain! It must be worth at least ten times that,...Three crowns would not even buy enough meat to last a week."(pg 12) Eragon knows he needs to feed his family and is willing to take a risk by talking back to the butcher. Eragon, in order to keep his family alive, annoys the irritated butcher for what he has offered. The butcher could just not give him meat for anything. Eragon also "did not want to wait until they arrived"; it could be a while, and his family needed the meat now. Eragon is a strong man willing to give up his day's work and devote it to feed his family, even if it earns him a limited amount of food. Eragon chose the choice of trading in such a rare stone for meat that would feed his family. The family would have been lucky to have a reliable man who dedicates his day to supplying his family.
          Also, as Horst bought his meat for him from the butcher, he would say to his uncle Garrow's face that "I didn't accept charity." Eragon was honorable even when helped. He offered his polished stone when Horst bought him meat, to pay him back, but instead he would as Eragon for labor. Eragon agreed instead of walking off with free meat. Eragon works for everything he has earned, and does not take the easy way out. Taking the easy way out would not have allowed him to handle foreseeing his future at Angela's. He would make it that everything he got, free meat, would have its own sense of accomplishment. The Rider of Saphira is willing to make sacrifices.
        Eragon is a strong reluctant man who has earned the right to find and possess a stone so magical with power as the polished blue stone. Eragon's road to defeating the Urgals who destroyed his home has allowed him to meet Brom. His relationship develops with Brom even if Brom does discuss some things on his own without consulting Eragon. Eragon as well, does the same with Saphira about his future. Their relationships have developed Eragon's loyalty to Brom when Eragon stays back to end an Urgal's life because it had caught Brom. Eragon did not leave, but put his newly discovered power to use. By doing this, he proved he has no hatred for Brom. He saved him and would do it again after all of Brom's important teachings. After all the hard work Brom has pushed on Eragon to become a skilled rider, he does. With loyalty and honor, he is a prevailing rider who works for his rewards.

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