Friday, March 11, 2011

Trees symbolize...

In the book The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, it consists of consecutive vignettes all about different things in a person's life. One way of describing her life is by using symbols. The author uses symbols to represent things that are not mentioned first hand. They imply a meaning but that meaning of the symbol is never exposed in the book. It is hidden and for the author to know and for the reader to analyze. One of the many symbols Sandra Cisneros uses is the symbol of trees. In the book, trees symbolize a calm living thing. Trees symbolize the tranquility in her life when there is nothing else to look at. One of many symbols, trees represents the calming life everywhere.
Trees represent something that cheers the main character up. It is when she is feeling down when she looks towards trees. She says on page 75, "When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees. When there is nothing left to look at on this street." In this quote, Sandra explains that Esparanza looks at trees when she is sad. When she is feeling down about herself, trees are the things that cheer her up. She looks at trees when she can keep keeping. Also when there is nothing left on the street to look forward to, trees can be her plan. Trees are like sites that bring happiness and healing to her pain because she looks at them when she is not feeling good.
Trees symbolize a calm safe feeling because Esparanza describes trees as a good thing. Rows of trees are joy for Esparanza. On page 83, she explains, "There'd be no nosy neighbors watching, no motorcycles and cars, no sheets and towels and laundry. Only trees and more trees and plenty of blue sky." With so much trees and sky, she can have her own privacy and be on her own. There will be not distractions in her life nor noise. Trees are the opposite of distractions and annoying things; they are soothing and relaxing.
Also on the page she says, "Only trees and more  trees and plenty of blue sky. and you could laugh, sally. You could go to sleep and wake up and never have to think who likes and doesn't like you." (pg 83) Trees are like an alarm. When there are so many trees visible, she can relax. She can do anything she wants without caring about what other people think. This is how the trees bring joy into her life. They serve as peace and harmony. Trees are what allows Esparanza to live her life and not worry about other people's opinions.
Esparanza may look forward to trees as sometimes her life goes down, but trees can do the healing and bring back the peacefulness in her life.

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