Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Speechless health

            Standing next to our car, parked right outside the nicest but scariest place of a child's life, I developed a sense of fear. Rumors or the truth, are always talked about by kids when they return from a visit's to the doctor's. The most frightening thing is the shots that has no escape but to take them. The shots are great, but what comes to mind are the kids who continue to have the fear whenever visiting the doctor's. Next to our car, i walked into the doctor's waiting room. I was signed in, and he had me sit in the most soundless room, all besides the occasional toddlers who received their shots. It was a frightening moment to be waiting alone in the room while my mother made a trip to the bathroom. In my six year old head, i believed that the doctor could allow any shot to put on me if he wanted to. Considering the fact that a shot was for my own good wasn't even a choice. My idea was, if it hurt, it should be avoided.
            Things shifted as scary became horrifying. The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.
             I trembled with fear and then came this one shot. My mom claimed that for the health of the school, they asked for a skin test. This required a rip of my skin, I thought. I decided to walk outside claiming I needed to use the toilet. He allowed him and just as i walked out, my mom came back saving my day. This was no help, since then i still needed a part of my skin cut off.

1 comment:

  1. i responded to this
