Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Better at home, then sorry

A ball game is a very serious sport to play. Even to watch in the stands, this sport is terrifyingly serious to be aware of your surroundings. When at a baseball game, things can be thrown and encounter your head or the professional batters can hit a home run out of the field and knock you out. This led to Yen's tragic day at an unexpected baseball game.
"Three innings in, the baseball collided into my skull. With my ears roaring, I blacked out at the sound of the sirens of an ambulance.
I shook my head dazed and confused, finding myself on a roll-away-stretcher.  I had no idea where I was.  After my eyes adjusted to the light, they focus on the shelves lining the walls.  My ears keened in to the medical tools clattered around in the boxes while we rolled along the high way towards the Children’s Hospital.  Hearing my mother’s voice behind me, I tried hoisting myself up"
            This quote shows the possibilities of danger at a sport's event. A three year old about half the size of the bar rail was unlucky enough to be struck accurately towards the head. It is definitely better to view sports games from the television. From this experience, even though not in my eyes gives a sense of awareness that a person needs in order to maintain a safe environment for himself. Many parents are unaware of their children having their own choices when they aren't looking and this can lead to tragic problems.
             At maybe a football game such as the Super Bowl, the crowd can react angrily towards the football players and throw trash everywhere. This can be an ironic situation when they miss and accidentally nail a child in the head. A ball game may not seem as a dangerous place compared to the field the players play on, but by itself, it can unintentionally hurt someone.
            Due to these consequences, the better choice would be to stay home safe and sound and be able to visibly watch and listen to the game without distractions.

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