Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Response - Alliances

TO Forbes, Colin Due to this blog post it has given me more and more depth in how ganging up in other student's lives are like. He describes it as a terrible feeling in this post.
"You feel like no one is on your side. For some people, bullying makes them feel powerful, and i believe this is why they do it, but for me it drags me down further by getting me in trouble and making me feel bad. When you are being mean to other people, it only makes people like you for a little while. One time, i made the mistake of being mean to someone. I was not the leader but i still participated. I did not have many options because of peer pressure and this kid hit me with a basketball."
                         This quote from his post explains the regrets that are gathered from being or performing the bullying actions. He says it "drags him further down" because he gets in trouble by teachers. Although, it also gives a sense that he would continue bullying if it wasn't for the consequences. Bullying in my opinion shouldn't be used even if there weren't any consequences.
                         Without consequences, bullying would rather be a free thing to do. He describes a feeling of bullying, in which the positive feeling lasts only temporarily. While the negativity from the victim stays forever in his opinion towards you. He also describes a feeling of being bullied by a kid with a basketball who purposely hit him. Colin explains it as terrible. During this time when he was being bullied, he explains that he was pure pressured into doing what he did to other kids. Pure pressure is a big factor in a child's life that must be contained or controlled. If not, then bullying and harassing may occur with even deeper consequences. In all, bullying is shown in Colin's blog post with an example of feeling bullied and doing the bullying, both of which is a horrible feeling.

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