Saturday, January 22, 2011

Celie's letters to God.

What do Celie's letters to God tell you so far about 1. Her character traits and 2. Her beliefs about and relationship with God? Use quotes to answer both parts of this question.
Celie's letters to God are personal and reveal her daily habits and important details she may want to remember. She never mentions if she actually mailed those letters to God or not. Celie's letters to God reveal that she believes in God and is very religious. When she writes letters to God, it is almost a diary where she can keep track of memories, but I don't. She describes letters as if she is describing her days. "Finally I have supper and go to bed". (Celie, pg 32) She says she has supper then goes to bed, she doesn't need to explain anything because its straight forward. In her letters to God, she brings up important occurrences that affected her life. "And now i feels sick every time I be the one to cook. My mama she fuss at me an look at me."(Celie pg 1) After being abused by her father, she does not feel right when cooking nor looking at her mama. This affects how she will feel in the future, never feeling right when she cooks.
Celie's letters to God tell me that she is a uncertain woman who faces fear in every direction. She seems to lack clothing to put on because, "But what I'm sposed to put on? I don't have nothing."(Celie, pg3)  In this letter to God, it reveals she isn't the rich type, but it doesn't affect her that much. In her letters to God, her relationship is revealed because she knows that God will help her and guide her. She thinks God makes everything that has happened to her happen. If anything bad happens, its because she made a mistake. Celie says "With God help", saying that God has the power to help her, and will. She believes deeply in God and refers to God in her life when talking.
Celie's way of writing letters to God is a route out of the problems she faces during those days. Celie is a loving person who is mistreated, but she finds a way out, through God.

1 comment:

  1. Good points! I do not think the letters could be sent to God. You mention that she does not tell the audience if she ever sends them to God. I think you are taking the situation too literally.
