Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reponse to Billy Lau

   Global warming is a dangerous situation to put aside. Not much people are perceiving and identifying the cause of global warming. Global warming may or may not be human made but how big of a risk is it if we don't prevent global warming. Decrease our car usage, use natural energy, and don't start smoking. Billy makes a good point when he talks about global warming.

So is global warming caused by humans or is it natural? I think that
global warming is caused by humans. In the past there have been cold and
warm weather periods and some scientists believe that it’s natural, but
most scientists say that humans are the main cause. In recent graphs
and scales CO2 levels seem to be rising up off the charts and the
temperature seems to follow along meaning the more Co2 in the air the
higher the temperature. We Americans live in a place were industries and
companies are big in money and in pollution.
    I think that global warming is caused by humans as well because watching smoke from factories and cigarettes rise makes it look as if the gases are spreading all over the place. Some places that have extremely humid weather have a lot of smokers and seems as if the heat from the flames are heating up the air even more and more. We Americans do live in a place of industries and companies because they give profits to the owners, but it's also a big risk to take on the Earth. Watching the top of a factory as it releases clouds of smoke into the air and letting it slowly rise to the top of the sky makes me think if that gas will leave Earth or stay to haunt the residents. Money is a big deal in living, but you can only make money if you live. You can't live if the Earth is too polluted to live in.
   Anything placed on Earth that doesn't belong causes pollution. If someone litters, who picks it up? Other people have to pick it up, or it stays there and rips into shreds to spread everywhere. There are plastic bags all over the floor, on the streets, sometimes in water. The world other people live in, is the same world we live in. Making it as bad is it is, will hurt everyone living on the land.

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