Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q's personality - Aquatic Uncle

Vic Xuan
Period 2

As the story of the Aquatic Uncle begins, Q and Uncle N’ba N’ga come to an encounter to visit their family members. The family of distinctive and ashamed animals reunited at this one visit. Q comes to a reunion with the whole family together and tries to be the nice guy. He tries to get Uncle to go back with his family to the bottom because it’s better to hunt on the bottom than the surface. When this happens an instant“no” is sharply replied. Q describes his Uncle as a remarkably rude person. Uncle was always grumpy but would mellow out after a while. Uncle’s rude attitude towards his family is disrespectful yet Q still pays respect to him.
From then on, after meeting up and discussing territories for hunting dragonflies, Q explains to Uncle the better method to hunt dragonflies, better on the bottom then on the water’s surface. Uncle was upset before this mention. Q tries to flatter the area he lives in, in order to allow Uncle to realize the incredible space he occupies. Instead, it went from offer to

“It just wasn’t possible to make him accept a reality different from his own.”. (page 73)

Then on, Q gives up quickly and constantly attempted to get his Uncle onto land. Q was ignorant and didn’t understand the Uncle’s adaptation to where he resides at the moment. He noted that managing to even take their great-uncle home with them would achieve a higher position than the rest of the family. Leaving the lagoon was a dream the Uncle would never accomplish.
"But the rivalry was pointless, because our uncle wouldn't dream of leaving the lagoon." (page 73)
"...whoever managed to take our great-uncle home with him would achieve a position of pre-eminence over the rest of our relatives." (page 73)
These quotes show how ignorant and misunderstood Uncle is, but also how ignorant Q is. He’s most likely being selfish and trying to achieve the higher position in his family by taking Uncle back home. It shows Uncle’s resistance to move because of his adapted advantages in the water. This relates to science when animals evolve and adapt to different types of environment. They don’t change enough to leave their home, but they do change in order to adapt to their home for fitness. When they attempt to take him home, then he would definitely deny it because Uncle is a fish and belongs in the water, not on land. He is very independent and doesn’t need Q for survival. However, in the alternative story of the dinosaurs era, he is shown as an accepting person but still abandons his son. This quote shows Q’s ignorance and personality when he says it wasn’t possible meaning he’s tried before on and on again but have failed. These quotes also show how it is almost a competition to bring Uncle back when one person would get a higher position. Q, being unaware of his surroundings and the requirements Uncle needs to survive, causes him to think poorly of Uncle when he doesn’t move back home with him.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Speechless health

            Standing next to our car, parked right outside the nicest but scariest place of a child's life, I developed a sense of fear. Rumors or the truth, are always talked about by kids when they return from a visit's to the doctor's. The most frightening thing is the shots that has no escape but to take them. The shots are great, but what comes to mind are the kids who continue to have the fear whenever visiting the doctor's. Next to our car, i walked into the doctor's waiting room. I was signed in, and he had me sit in the most soundless room, all besides the occasional toddlers who received their shots. It was a frightening moment to be waiting alone in the room while my mother made a trip to the bathroom. In my six year old head, i believed that the doctor could allow any shot to put on me if he wanted to. Considering the fact that a shot was for my own good wasn't even a choice. My idea was, if it hurt, it should be avoided.
            Things shifted as scary became horrifying. The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.
             I trembled with fear and then came this one shot. My mom claimed that for the health of the school, they asked for a skin test. This required a rip of my skin, I thought. I decided to walk outside claiming I needed to use the toilet. He allowed him and just as i walked out, my mom came back saving my day. This was no help, since then i still needed a part of my skin cut off.

Better at home, then sorry

A ball game is a very serious sport to play. Even to watch in the stands, this sport is terrifyingly serious to be aware of your surroundings. When at a baseball game, things can be thrown and encounter your head or the professional batters can hit a home run out of the field and knock you out. This led to Yen's tragic day at an unexpected baseball game.
"Three innings in, the baseball collided into my skull. With my ears roaring, I blacked out at the sound of the sirens of an ambulance.
I shook my head dazed and confused, finding myself on a roll-away-stretcher.  I had no idea where I was.  After my eyes adjusted to the light, they focus on the shelves lining the walls.  My ears keened in to the medical tools clattered around in the boxes while we rolled along the high way towards the Children’s Hospital.  Hearing my mother’s voice behind me, I tried hoisting myself up"
            This quote shows the possibilities of danger at a sport's event. A three year old about half the size of the bar rail was unlucky enough to be struck accurately towards the head. It is definitely better to view sports games from the television. From this experience, even though not in my eyes gives a sense of awareness that a person needs in order to maintain a safe environment for himself. Many parents are unaware of their children having their own choices when they aren't looking and this can lead to tragic problems.
             At maybe a football game such as the Super Bowl, the crowd can react angrily towards the football players and throw trash everywhere. This can be an ironic situation when they miss and accidentally nail a child in the head. A ball game may not seem as a dangerous place compared to the field the players play on, but by itself, it can unintentionally hurt someone.
            Due to these consequences, the better choice would be to stay home safe and sound and be able to visibly watch and listen to the game without distractions.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My vocabulary list

1. implement
2. parameter
3. subsequent
4. revenue
5. welfare
6. clause
7. liberal
8. notion
9. perceived
10. hence

Friday, September 17, 2010

Response to V. Liang

In response to Victor's quote about bullying, Victor L.
"Mistreating others verbally or by force is not only totally wrong, but is absolutely unreasonable. When I was being made fun of by a few people, I felt humiliated and extremely mad. I couldn't do anything since I wasn't brave enough, so I tried to play along and pointlessly laugh at myself. I think people bully others to make themselves feel better and to scare others into liking them so they don't get humiliated like the last person. I think a person's own anger makes them not think of what they are doing, and let out their rage on others."
                           This quote shows two different ways for bullying being a bad cause in children life. He explains that bullying is unreasonable and terribly wrong to mistreat people. In his example of being made fun of by a few people, he explains the feeling of being embarrassed and how the victim will feel extremely mad just from a simple verbal language. He explains the feeling of being trapped and not being able to do anything because the bully had a group of people making fun of a single person who is weak and helpless. Whenever in trouble, you play along, just as Victor did by laughing along with the bully which made him look more helpless. The reason for bullying is explained, to make the bully feel better about themselves and to use direct force to gain love and respect.
                           Explanation for anger is because of bullying and it makes the person forget what they are getting themselves into. As in, during the moment of bullying, you almost focus on nothing else except for that one movement to bully and disrespect someone weaker than you. When that person is bullying, they will force rage upon the helpless person that isn't involved but is just unluckily picked to be picked upon. For this reason, this quote from victor's blog has given me a perspective in the way bullying can enrage people due to the blank outs during the moment of bullying and also the one being bullied can be that unlucky person who just happens to show up first in the bully's eyes. Overall, the depth of bullying is shown as he explains the humiliation and embarrassment of laughing along as he is trapped in between everyone's eyes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Response - Alliances

TO Forbes, Colin Due to this blog post it has given me more and more depth in how ganging up in other student's lives are like. He describes it as a terrible feeling in this post.
"You feel like no one is on your side. For some people, bullying makes them feel powerful, and i believe this is why they do it, but for me it drags me down further by getting me in trouble and making me feel bad. When you are being mean to other people, it only makes people like you for a little while. One time, i made the mistake of being mean to someone. I was not the leader but i still participated. I did not have many options because of peer pressure and this kid hit me with a basketball."
                         This quote from his post explains the regrets that are gathered from being or performing the bullying actions. He says it "drags him further down" because he gets in trouble by teachers. Although, it also gives a sense that he would continue bullying if it wasn't for the consequences. Bullying in my opinion shouldn't be used even if there weren't any consequences.
                         Without consequences, bullying would rather be a free thing to do. He describes a feeling of bullying, in which the positive feeling lasts only temporarily. While the negativity from the victim stays forever in his opinion towards you. He also describes a feeling of being bullied by a kid with a basketball who purposely hit him. Colin explains it as terrible. During this time when he was being bullied, he explains that he was pure pressured into doing what he did to other kids. Pure pressure is a big factor in a child's life that must be contained or controlled. If not, then bullying and harassing may occur with even deeper consequences. In all, bullying is shown in Colin's blog post with an example of feeling bullied and doing the bullying, both of which is a horrible feeling.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Debates - mastered, Quotes for rebutals

David Hadorn, MD, PhD, Medical Consultant for GW Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., wrote in his July 17, 2003 document titled "Use of Cannabis Medicines in Clinical Practice," published on his personal website www.davidhadorn.com (website no longer available; Feb. 17, 2009):
"I have seen many patients with chronic pain, muscle spasms, nausea, anorexia, and other unpleasant symptoms obtain significant -- often remarkable -- relief from cannabis medicines, well beyond what had been provided by traditional (usually opiate-based) pain relievers."

David L. Bearman, MD, physician and medical marijuana expert, stated the following in a Mar. 1, 2006 phone interview with ProCon.org:
"I grew up knowing that cannabis could be a medicine... I'm not aware of any proven long-term [harmful] effects from cannabis. People have been trying to find major risks [from marijuana], but I've never seen any documented. We know if you smoke cannabis your chances of getting lung cancer are less than if you don't smoke anything at all." 
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) stated the following in the FAQ's section of its website, last updated on Dec. 8, 2008:
"For many patients, traditional medications do work and they do not require or desire medical marijuana. However, for a significant number of serious ill patients, including patients suffering from AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis and chronic pain among others, traditional medications do not provide symptomatic relief as effectively as medicinal cannabis. These patients must not be branded as criminals or forced to suffer needlessly in pain."
The American Nurses Association (ANA) wrote the following in its Mar. 19, 2004 "Position Statement: Providing Patients Safe Access to Therapeutic Marijuana/Cannabis," posted on the ANA website:
"The American Nurses Association (ANA) recognizes that patients should have safe access to therapeutic marijuana/cannabis. Cannabis or marijuana has been used medicinally for centuries. It has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of symptoms and conditions."
 ---------------------------------------------------------------Procon.org (quotes from procon.org) no copyright intended

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The truth about Marijuana

Pro: Medical Marijuana
We believe marijuana should be a medial option for “medical reasons”. We believe con is wrong and can’t beat us because people with medical problems need it to treat the pain. Joycelyn Elders, MD, former US Surgeon General, wrote that medical marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, and the “symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day.” We believe that if medical people need the drugs to feel better or normal then they are able to recover with it, though it may be just a little addicting. If taken too much.this stuff can relieve many symptoms of stress and pain and can  be beneficial in many lives. Should Terminally ill people suffer if they are about to die, or should they be allowed comfort? you decide.