Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jesse's opinion on Vic's blog

Jesse's post about Vic's blog invites me to think about fishes and online marketing. He says you can buy fishes and use them in the tank in Vic's awesome blog, but that isn't a great idea because the fishes vanish as soon as you refresh the page.
Anyone who reads this and wants to look at Vic's fish tank, My first question is there is a little search box above the tank that says something about searching other fish from other websites and adding them to the tank. I haven't tried it out yet, but I don't know whether or not you can actually get other fish or if you have to go through a bunch of stupid downloading crap and pay for the fish. Anyone who tries it out before I do, could you post a comment on either my blog or Vic's blog saying if you can or can't.
   Jesse supposes that he saw the search bar and believed that you could buy virtual fishes and feed them. If you would buy a fish from a site, then that'd be a waste of money and it can also be stolen or lost. Many people are afraid to purchase stuff online because they are afraid to lose it and get scammed. If they got scammed once they wouldn't buy anything else online and that causes online purchasing to falter.
   I agree with Jesse's post that Vic's blog is awesome. However, i disagree with him about downloading stuff online to get it to the box. If you were to download something online for a fish tank you can recieve a virus or even crash your computer because the download may not always be safe.
   I think the most unsafe way to purchase something is to do it online. Jesse would purchase something if someone else did it because if someone did it and nothing bad happened to them nothing bad would happen to him. But, Jesse doesn't know that consequences do not come right away. Maybe they have to use the fish first or they have to complete their download of the fish. Downloading is a whole another story because it is free and efficient. Illegal downloads are ililegal because they are copyrighted. Downloading fishes online is a better choice than purchasing them. If a purchase is easier than a download and the person is willing to pay for a virtual fish, they shouldn't download it.
   Overall, no one should purchase nor should they download fishes online. It is a waste of money and a big risk to download, usually because downloads take a long time and people just rush through it.

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