Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflective Essay

    Reflective Essay

    Looking back towards the previous blog posts, there have been some progression in writing and also life.Having a blog improved the type of techniques I use in writing because my thinking about it has changed my ideas for my posts. With writer’s block, I tend to get stuck and learn new ways and patterns that help eliminate this problem. I wrote about how some things trouble me and why. I try to explain in detail every factor of my predicament. My blog posts are mainly responses to other people. I mainly express my feelings for other people’s blogs and respond in an abundant amount of ways. I have responded to pop singers and also bullying posts. I tried to use my list of vocabulary words in my writing but they don’t always incorporate into the sentences. I enjoyed exploring other student’s ideas and also giving them my opinion on their posts.
    Blogging has become a weekly hobby of mine. It’s not a hobby because it is required in school, but I enjoy sharing my ideas and opinion with writer’s. Blogging on my computer has become a better method for me to learn and improve my writing rather than writing on paper and hurting my fingers all the time. I enjoy completing my homework assignments and progressing in writing online because the resources such as synonyms and dictionaries are easy to access. Blogging has changed the way I write because it has given me a plentiful amount of options for writing. Usually, I don’t write as much every week, but this year’s continual writing has helped me to flow my writing and be able to develop ideas throughout the week. I think differently when i write now because at the beginning of the English class school year, we wrote quick writes and I continued to have obstacles in the way of my writing. I can think about writing quickly after having to post two blog posts weekly. Writing every week for other readers around the world has allowed me to flow my ideas and express them for the world. It has made me think differently about writing because it isn’t just a requirement for a class anymore, its a way for me to express my ideas and opinions to other writers. Here’s a link to this post about opinion expressing and idea development to other writers. From this post, I have developed my ideas enough for it to be public appropriate and not go against any words. In this post, I’ve read the other post and learned how to express my opinion by building on top of his ideas. From a post about a ball game at a park, I picked out an idea that wasn’t directly introduced but is evidenced in the post.
This quote shows the possibilities of danger at a sport's event. A three year old about half the size of the bar rail was unlucky enough to be struck accurately towards the head. It is definitely better to view sports games from the television. From this experience, even though not in my eyes gives a sense of awareness that a person needs in order to maintain a safe environment for himself.

Therefore, weekly blogging has altered my opinion in writing and quickly think up ideas to ramble on.
    When writing, I try to maintain a viewpoint when reading other people’s writing. I try not to be too subjective and evaluate the ideas of the student. My writing is based upon other student’s writing. I prefer to read other student’s weekly blog posts before I start mine because it gives me a sense of what to write for the week. Reading other student’s posts helps me think of methods to formulate sentences and use new vocabulary. When I read other student’s writing, I try to express my opinion on their ideas and how I think of it differently or similarly. Having done that and choosing differently, I can express my opinion and possibly have the right to change their viewpoint of the subject the next time they think about it. However, my ideas from my posts are originated from things I see in life life that people may disagree or agree with.The thing that inspires me to write is the feel of responding to a person and possibly changing their opinion. For example, our first blog post about bullying, I responded to a student who believed bullies bullied because they were angry and they needed a source to explode, so they choose to bully. This post has led me to think of a new way of bullies and why they bully. There is always a soft side to bullies, as expressed in the post, and they can always be nice. I am also inspired to write because writing publicly appropriate posts has allowed me to write more like a reviewer and less like a novelist. I am inspired to write because it is a form of communication and helps me improve myself when I read and analyze my own posts. To incorporate my ideas to counter another person’s idea was a new method for me. There was a post about a pop star that the writer hated, and I came to oppose him.

There is no reason for them to rethink their life, because singers are their obsession. Everyone has their own obsession. It is an insult to say they will end up as a hobo on the street because as of now, Justin Bieber! is a star who will fade away later in life.

Not all days will include an idea, so that’s why I tend to talk about life’s ideas such as danger or fun. My inspired writing by self improvement comes from things that people can relate to and understand.
    Writer’s block was a serious structure that prevented me from writing on the first week of school because I was clustered with thoughts not about the prompt. From my struggles with writer’s block, I have learned that it is easier to write when not given a sudden specific prompt to write about. Writer’s block has taught me to prepare more and brainstorm many ideas so if I get stuck, I’ll have more to explain. I am finished explaining but I don’t understand the rest of the prompt. I usually enjoy brainstorming during class because it is a very helpful thing to use when writing. It supplies a better amount of detail to specify details but isn’t as organized as it would have been with a brainstorm sheet. Writer’s block is just a path that I tend to take because I have answered the prompt too brief and broad. An example of encountering writer’s block and getting around it by describing more about the prompt in detail that should have been included earlier is portrayed by this post. This post continues on and on because there is a required amount of words. After reading my writing, I start to add more ideas that could have been added when mentioning the idea earlier.

Things shifted as scary became horrifying. The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.

This quote shows redundancy I used to continue and lengthen my writing. Writer’s block was just a phase when I stopped writing but as I encounter it more, it becomes a phase where I explain an idea with more specific detail.
    For the next quarter I hope to improve my writing on my blog. I expect to put more time into my blog posts and brainstorm my responses before responding. I want to incorporate more words from my vocabulary list as I learn to use them more. I want to not procrastinate and do my blog posts at the end of the week. Most importantly, I want to cut out redundancy and notice when I am being redundant so it doesn’t make my writing sound repetitive. My writing isn’t as well as it will ever be, and a goal of mine is to improve it at least better than this quarter’s posts. For my next quarter blog posts, my goal is to improve the details of my writing and also the structure of my writing.

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