Thursday, August 26, 2010

Response to an essay

In the essay about bullying Sam, click here, her quote about the bully relates to the ASTI constitution because it shows several of the items on the constitution. His quote 
Unlike most people doing this same assignment, I have the shame to say that it was I who started the alliance.  After a while a started to have regrets about what I was doing, I wanted to start to be nicer, but the people who I dragged into the situation made me believe that the cool thing to do was to continue to gang up on the person.
           (Cut out)  The reason bullies choose not to make friends is because when they see someone that is different they don’t try to be friends with them because they don’t know how to make friends, so they bully them because it amuses their peers.
 This quote by Sam shows items on the ASTI constitution such as include, don't exclude. This item is showed when he brings in the topic about having regrets and starting to feel he should act nicer. When he brings this up, in my mind, it implies that he wants to include that person after making him feel really horrible because of his harassment towards that person. This part of the quote explains why he wants to include that victim after bullying him and not exclude him.
Another example of a constitution being related to this quote is build mutual trust and respect. I think this is shown in the quote because the bully as mentioned, doesn't know how to make real friends and so he results in bullying other people so his peers will think he's cool. His peers wouldn't respect him if it was not for his mean attitude. This quote shows building mutual trust and respect the wrong way, but still shows that the bully is getting respect.
Also, this quote shows the concept of, taking responsibility for your words and action because Sam admitted shamefully to starting an alliance against someone and didn't blame someone else for the cruel alliance. Therefore this quote shows, include, don't exclude, building mutual trust and respect, and taking responsibility for your actions and words.

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